Provide top-notch customer support with TruText

TruText offers two-way communication, automation and live chat that can help your support team to be more efficient and provide instant and high quality customer support that matters.

Why do support teams use text messaging services?

70% of customers go for businesses that offer text messaging options as a customer service.

60% of customers prefer to text with a business instead of calling or emailing.

80% of customers are more likely to refer a business to their friends and family if they had a positive experience with text messaging customer support.

Be there when your customer needs you the most

Nowadays support over the phone isn’t enough. Customers want a fast and easy way to reach businesses with their problems, without being put on hold. Give an option to your customer to text you with any issue and provide customer support they won’t forget.

Build Strong Relationships

Provide high quality support with 1:1 SMS, Educate and help customers at check out process and show them that you care for them.

Convenient Communication

Be more responsible and resolve their issues faster, Our Texting App can help your team to connect immediately from anytime,anywhere.

Personalized Interactions

Allow your support team to handle multiple conversations and reply to their specific needs without losing that human touch.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Servicing excellent customer support can help your business to build stronger relationships.

Ready to take your customer support to the next level?

How texting can enhance your customer support experience ?

Boost customer satisfaction icon

Boost customer satisfaction

52 % of customers prefer to text a customer support team over other communication options.

Faster response time Icon

Faster response time

Customer support can reduce response times by up to 70% and quickly answer customer questions and resolve customer issues.

Keep Customers updated Icon

Keep Customers updated

77% of customers have a positive perception of businesses that keep them informed about their current purchase and services.